Channel:  Vanderbilt University

This collection includes bioRxiv and medRxiv papers from authors at Vanderbilt University.

2700 Articles

Sarah R Bordenstein, Seth R Bordenstein
Marcin J Skwark, Nicholas J Croucher, Santeri Puranen, Claire Chewapreecha, Maiju Pesonen, Yingying Xu, Paul Turner, Simon R Harris, Julian Parkhill, Stephen D Bentley, Erik Aurell, Jukka Corander
Xing-Xing Shen, Xiaofan Zhou, Jacek Kominek, Cletus P Kurtzman, Chris Todd Hittinger, Antonis Rokas
Stephanie C.Y. Chan, Marissa C. Applegate, Neal W Morton, Sean M. Polyn, Kenneth A. Norman
Xiaofan Zhou, David Peris, Jacek Kominek, Cletus P Kurtzman, Chris Todd Hittinger, Antonis Rokas
Jacob J Hughey
Alden Y Huang, Dongmei Yu, Lea K Davis, Jae-Hoon Sul, Fotis Tsetsos, Vasily Ramensky, Ivette Zelaya, Eliana Marisa Ramos, Lisa Osiecki, Jason A Chen, Lauren M McGrath, Cornelia Illmann, Paul Sandor, Cathy L Barr, Marco Grados, Harvey S Singer, Markus M Noethen, Johannes Hebebrand, Robert A King, Yves Dion, Guy Rouleau, Cathy L Budman, Christel Depienne, Yulia Worbe, Andreas Hartmann, Kirsten R Muller-Vahl, Manfred Stuhrmann, Harald Aschauer, Mara Stamenkovic, Monika Schloegelhofer, Anastasios Konstantinidis, Gholson L Lyon, William M McMahon, Csaba Barta, Zsanett Tarnok, Peter Nagy, James R Batterson, Renata Rizzo, Danielle C Cath
Mahesh B Rao, Dominic Didiano, James G Patton
Jeremiah Johnson, Jennifer Gaddy, Victor DiRita
Juan F Ortiz, Antonis Rokas

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