Channel:  Carnegie Mellon University

This collection includes bioRxiv and medRxiv papers from authors at Carnegie Mellon University.

Meeting organizers:
Ewan Birney, EBI/EMBL, UK
Michel Georges, University of Liège, Belgium
Jonathan Pritchard, Stanford University
Molly Przeworski, Columbia University

May 10 - May 14, 2016   |  CSHL Meetings & Courses   |   RSS  Channel RSS

992 Articles

Alys Jarvela, Kristen Yankura, Veronica Hinman
Aman Gupta, Haohan Wang, Madhavi Ganapathiraju
Hiren Karathia, Carl Kingsford, Michelle Girvan, Sridhar Hannenhalli
Ying Zhou, Kai Yuan, Yaoliang Yu, Xumin Ni, Pengtao Xie, Eric P Xing, Shuhua Xu
Patrick Beukema, Timothy Verstynen, Fang-Cheng Yeh
Hao Wang, Joel McManus, Carl Kingsford
Brad Solomon, Carleton Kingsford
Shreejoy J Tripathy, Shawn D Burton, Matthew Geramita, Richard C Gerkin, Nathaniel N Urban
Kevin Jarbo, Timothy Verstynen
Carl Kingsford, Rob Patro

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